New Series “Cracka” Portrays Whites As Slaves And Blacks As Slave Owners

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The series offers a present-day so-called white supremacist who is magically thrust back in time to an alternate past where Africans enslave whites and rule the land known as America. “In a world where white privilege, systematic oppression, and minority protest in order to break the chains of bondage runs regular, white supremacist Michael Stone is doing everything he can to maintain his privilege by exercising every opportunity to ensure the America he knows and loves continues to remain pure and more importantly, remain white!” Deaths that are happening now by the hands of police and white supremacists to African Americans today, this will possibly shed some light on the pain that black people feel in other eyes. Since the release of the trailer on Juneteenth, it has reached over 550k views on Youtube in 48 hours!

The brainchild for this series was created by director Dale Resteghini, a Caucasian man born in Boston, Massachusetts that made his mark with rap videos. Resteghini worked with a colorful ensemble of artists including Pitbull, Akon, Lil WayneIce Cube, Guns N Roses, Flo RidaRZA, Diddy to name a few. Now, he is taking his talents to a world where controversy meets fiction and facts. The trailer is slated for a fall 2020 release, the protagonist – tatted with racist Nazi symbols – begins to harass an African American motorist. It is at that point that the violence starts. After the lead character “Lorenzo Antonucci Jr.” rains down blows on the motorist, the pseudo-Nazi returns to his home. He then finds himself staring at the barrel of a shotgun and enslaved by a black man.  The Director Created CRACKA to help white people in America see racism from a new perspective.  America is broken and has been for a long time. Nothing else prior to this moment has worked as clearly as we are in a race war. No one seems to want but here it is and perhaps through provocative art… the new conversation can begin peacefully.

“Cracka” relives all of the horrors of slavery such as rape, beatings, and even name changes. The series stars a bevy of talents including Lorenzo AntonucciHakeen Kae-Kazim, rapper SaigonKathryn Kates, and James Darnell. “Cracka” doesn’t just tackle racism; it confronts it with the harsh truths. This unique series forces us – as one whole race, society, and overall to pay attention.  We will then look past color, look past our fears and pain, and see ourselves as people through the much-needed lens of love.  The series does not have a date but is expected to hit in the fall of 2020, just in time for the American presidential election.

“I applaud the bravery and vision for the creation of CRACKA.” – Sybrina Fulton (Mother of Trayvon Martin)

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SOURCE Dale Resteghini

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