Politics: Canidate for Baltimore Mayor Mary Miller wants to make Baltimore Safe for Everyone

After Party House  1

Baltimore is consumed by a crisis of violence. Last year, we reached the highest per capita murder rate in the city’s history, while arrest rates hit an all-time low. No corner of the city has been spared, and our communities of color have been particularly devastated. Of the 348 homicides last year, 325 of the victims were black.

Elect Mary Miller for Mayor

Baltimore’s crime problem is compounded by evidence of historic corruption and structural racism in our police department. In a disturbing report, the U.S. Department of Justice found that across the department officers routinely violated constitutional rights, sometimes with fatal consequences.

Instead of acting with urgency, our elected leaders have grandstanded, pointing fingers rather than taking responsibility. Many of the mayoral candidates have put out competing for crime plans, but in reality, there is a lot of overlap in their recommendations and those already being enacted by Commissioner Harrison.

We don’t need yet another plan. Instead, let’s call this the emergency that it is. We need a mayor who will take accountability and successfully execute the strategies we already know work. Someone who will end the finger-pointing and bring all the players together to finally get something done.

Mary was appointed by President Obama in the peak of a national crisis to lead our country’s economic recovery. She knows how to tackle complex problems. Mary left the Obama administration determined to help strengthen her hometown. She now works to strengthen our city’s low-income neighborhoods. She has seen firsthand what our communities need to finally end the scourge of crime.

As Mayor, Mary will make Baltimore safe for everyone:

  1. Providing Commissioner Harrison and the BPD with the support and stability they need to scale proven strategies
  2. Implementing the Consent Decree and other measures to restore trust in our police department
  3. Growing economic opportunity and address structural racism and inequity so our citizens have a path away from crime.

For more on Mary Miller, please visit: https://electmarymiller.com/

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