BALTIMORE, Md. –Where the mainstream media shines the light on youth crimes, the Jehovah’s Witnesses highlights the Good News of people changing their life for the better by dedicating their lives to God. Especially the young ones.
The Scripture at Matthew 5:3 states,:” Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need,” Zyiona Johnson, has taken that Scripture to heart.
“I was coming to the meetings with my mom, but I was not taking things seriously as I should. There was so much going on in my life, I was distracted.- from what was important Anxiety issues, the loss of loved ones it was a bit much. Then, tragedy hit me when I lost my boyfriend to an awful car accident. I was not sure how I was going to make it. Certain, bible studies and scriptures started coming back to mind..” Zyiona‘s mother Zaire Boyd, who is a baptized servant of Jehovah, offered word of encouragement.
According to Zaire Boyd,”I know things are difficult and I understand how much my daughter was going through but I stressed to her to keep relying on God because he is the only one who can get you through this and the Bible states that at Proverbs 3:5.
What were the results of Zyiona following her mom’s advice? “ I was able to turn my life around not only for myself but for my son. I want to be that example for other young people, especially young girls, in particular young black girls. Zyiona Johnson was baptized at the 2024 “Good News” convention held in Baltimore-MD.
The “Declare the Good News!” convention will present Bible-based videos, discourses and interviews on topics such as…
- Why Do We Need Good News?
- What Will You Do for the Sake of the Good News?
- Why We Don’t Fear Bad News
Saturday spotlights a baptism of candidates from surrounding communities, while a two part video feature will captivate the audience on Friday and Saturday mornings.
Prior to each convention, local congregations will engage in a campaign to invite community members to this free event.
Last year, nearly 13 million people attended more than 6,000 three-day conventions worldwide.
To learn more about this free convention and to find a location near you, please visit > About Us > Conventions.