Feds Indict Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby

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Once Baltimore City State’s Attorney went after the cops who killed Freddie Gray, and the Feds decided to start looking into her, it was only a matter of time before they came up with something.

They finally did. A federal grand jury handed down an indictment against Mosby, hitting her with four charges related to a loan she took from her own retirement account and a mortgage on a Florida vacay spot.

The Feds allege Mosby lied about having a Covid pandemic-related financial hardship when she filed an application to borrow $40,000 from her city retirement account, and that she also lied to get a lower interest rate on the Kissimee vacation home.

From the Baltimore Sun

“Mosby had not experienced adverse financial consequences stemming from the coronavirus as a result of ‘being quarantined, furloughed or laid off’ or ‘having reduced work hours’ or ‘due to lack of childcare’ or ‘the closing or reduction of hours of a business I own or operate’” – all perquisites for obtaining the loan, which Mosby attested under penalty of perjury, the indictment says.

Mosby and her husband, City Council President Nick Mosby, have been under investigation since at least February of last year when the FBI issued subpoenas for records.

The full indictment is here.

The Mosbys have been a political power couple in Baltimore City since she was elected as the city’s top prosecutor in 2015, with her husband having served on City Council since 2011. But they’ve been magnets for political attacks and worse since Marilyn Mosby decided to prosecute the six officers involved in Gray’s death back in 2015. Some of those cops actually sued Mosby for prosecuting them, despite a grand jury having found probable cause for the charges.

In December, she wrote an open letter to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, accusing him of a racist attempt to use crime in Baltimore to help him politically.

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