The great Carol Riddick sings of self-love on new single

Carol Riddick’s “I Love Me Too” is a song about making the difficult choice to prioritize yourself over someone about whom you care deeply, but who might not be good for you. It is easier said than done to love yourself and your peace of mind more than the that feeling that comes with being connected to one who satisfies you but who always seems to take more than they give.
That is especially true if you come from a place of thinking that you are somehow unworthy. And for Riddick “I Love Me Too” is a song of transformation from insecurity to self-acceptance and love. Reaching that point requires her to make the tough choice to step away from people who take her for granted.
“I Love Me Too,” taken from the new Luxury Soul 2024 collection, is a tune that finds Riddick confronting the fact that love is a complicated emotion. It’s possible to love someone deeply but your love for them is one-sided to the point that the relationship becomes a drain on your time, finances, spiritual and physical well-being. Riddick’s “I Love Me Too” is a sophisticated work of jazz-infused R&B, and a story of a woman making the hard but necessary decision to love herself. Check it out here.
By Howard Dukes
Miparismusic and Carol Riddick – “I Love Me Too”